Hello blog!
It has officially been over a year since I've written you. I suppose I was caught up in such a whirlwind of life experiences that I found myself having next to no time to remember to tell you... yes, this is my poor excuse. Since the last time I've written, worlds of changes have occurred. Such as life. I have gone, in just one year, on countless adventures and changed in ways that I never imagined I would. Yes, if I dare say, in just this past year since my last post, I have changed more than possibly any year in my lifetime.
I have made every effort to plunge myself into any and every form of mischief that extended it's invitation to me (yes, even some arguably stupid ones), and thus discovered that doing so is the fastest and easiest way to learn things. I've slept on the stomping ground of black bears; literally and figuratively. I have given way to change; no longer fearing it, but now craving and even inviting it. Where life once seemed like an average two-and-a-half star picture, it all at once seemed a grand adventure fit for Don Quixote himself.
Do I feel like this every day? If I did, I'd probably be somewhere wrestling some sort of amphibious reptile or getting some obvious part of me irreparably inked with the words of great minds. Fortunately, this hopeful, adventurous spirit that I never could subdue and that I for so long denied is a tame whisper unless summoned as of late. It has, however, been flaring up and distracting me from my scholarly duties from time to time. It also feels the need to convince me that I am trapped in the house of my fore-bearers. Like a wild cat it claws at the back of my mind until I become restless; convinced of my entrapment, all reason is eventually lost. The fact that remaining at home until I graduate is the more economically sound and logically conducive option is squelched with more furor than the devil hath.
So now that my extreme dramatization of my life is complete...
I should mention that one of the highlighted events of my life as of recent was a most exciting trip to a wonderful film festival in Athens put on by Robert Osbourne (AMC owner) in which my colleagues in the Cinema Society and I enjoyed with rapture and awe. We watched many great classic films such as "Butch Cassidy and the Sun Dance Kid (possibly my favorite of the trip), Stand By Me (which I should probably mention was followed by an interview with Corey Feldman himself), Double Indemnity, a midnight showing of The Shining and more. It was a great time...
All I am hoping for and putting my energies towards is finishing the semester with grades that are better than devastating.
and as always, "I get by with a little help from my friends".
Over and Out.