Saturday, September 27, 2008


So another thing I want for my birthday is "Your Movie Sucks" by my all time favorite critic, Roger Ebert.

I love Roger Ebert, he always brings up some interesting points and sometimes when I read his reviews I feel like I am talking to myself. lol. Because the things he mentions are usually things I think of myself while watching a movie.

Or you can buy me Kings of Leon tickets for November... but that's going to cost you an appendage or so. It would be much appreciated though! I would compensate you for your missing appendage with my un dieing loyalty!

In other news....

I joined the Kennesaw Communications Association. I am exited that I finally found a campus organization that will benefit me. I will be able to find activities to participate in to include in my resume and I will meet students who can give me advice regarding the communications field. Plus, I got a nifty t-shirt :3.

I think the back is pretty cute.

Hopefully one day I will be eligible for the Lambda Pi Eta, the National Comm. Assoc.'s Honors Society. That would make me feel special.... lol.

Today I am just trying to study... or rather organize myself so that tomorrow I can study, for my environmental science class. My teacher is quite interesting, she insists that global warming in fact does not at all exist, and that Hybrid cars are a scam and do not actually help conserve energy at all. "WHAT happens when your car battery dies?? It gets taken to a recycling facility that uses FUEL to recycle it". She has a good point. Gosh she is eccentric but I love her.

Have a doog day, I'm going to Taco Mac with Michael :D

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