Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I realized something lately, I really love traveling.

There's just something about just getting up and going. Just getting up and seeing a part of the world other than that part in which you live everyday. And there's something enlightening about it. If you've never traveled internationally, I can tell you it is an experience that will change you in ways you wouldn't have expected. It's like suddenly... the reality of the rest of the world sinks in. When before you only had an inkling of the concept of how much the world actually holds. How many things exist that you previously had little or no idea of. Seeing different cultures on television or learning about them in school, we might think we are pretty knowledgeable about the world. We might feel like there is nothing new under the sun for us. But when you actually experience how different a place hundreds of thousands of miles away from your home is, it is other worldly; and at the same time it begins to become apparent how similar we all really are.

I can't wait to go to Europe next summer. Even though I am a little nervous because the farthest out of the country i've been is caracas, venezuela in South America (which is actually much closer than one would think).

I get to go to New York for Christmas. That's going to have to satisfy my apetite for the time being. :)

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